Mariko Miki, producer and writer of "LOCAL FOCUS," appeared on the local cable TV show "Shonan Jin Zukan (it means 'Encyclopedia of peope in Shonan Coastal area).
In this approximately 20-minute interview, she shares personal stories about her childhood, student life, working as an office worker, studying abroad, and encounters with the ocean and dolphins.
While the conversation focuses on her personal experiences, she also talks about how her upbringing and past experiences led to the creation and publication of LOCAL FOCUS, as well as the thoughts and intentions behind its production.
<Broadcast Schedule>
January 13 (Mon): 17:30-17:50, 22:30-22:50
January 14 (Tue) & January 16 (Thu): 10:00-10:20, 18:30-18:50
January 15 (Wed) & January 17 (Fri): 17:30-17:50, 21:30-21:50
January 18 (Sat): 10:00-10:20
January 19 (Sun): 21:30-21:50
<Broadcast Areas>Zushi, Kamakura, Fujisawa, Chigasaki, Samukawa

J:COM湘南「湘南人図鑑」という番組に、「LOCAL FOCUS」プロデューサー・ライター三木が出演させて頂きました。
子どもの頃から学生時代、OL〜留学時代、海やイルカとの出会いなど、プライベートなことが中心ではありますが、生い立ちや若い頃の経験が「LOCAL FOCUS」の制作発行にどのように繋がったのか、どんな思いを込めて制作したのかなどを、約20分に渡ってお話しております。
1月13日(月)17:30-17:50, 22:30-22:50
14(火)・16(木):10:00-10:20, 18:30-18:50
15(水)・17(金):17:30-17:50, 21:30-21:50
<放送エリア> 逗子市、鎌倉市、藤沢市、茅ヶ崎市、寒川町
