There are many small farmer's markets and farm stands in town where we can get freshly harvested produce, but the owner of this market selects only organically grown produce and all natural foods, and it is conveniently held at the bakery that we featured on our guidebook LOCAL FOCUS (p. 104) on evry Friday afternoon.

Buying organic produce helps to prevent damaging soil, water, air, and the eco-system by not using any chemical fertilizer and pesticide, and it will good for our health too (because we are part of the nature).
Supermarkets are packed with shoppers during the holiday season, so it might be a good idea to shop at the small farmer's market like this instead, and don't forget to get some tasty bread or pastries from the bakery!

毎週金曜日はLOCAL FOCUSでもご紹介させて頂いたベーカリー「モンペシェミニョン」さん、木曜日は逗子のみさきドーナツ前で出店されている「みつばちハッピ」さんでの買い物は、農薬や化学肥料で土壌や水を汚染しない生産者さんをサポートすることにもつながります。
88 SEASONAL & ORGANIC FOODS "Mitsubachi Happi"
*Friday: 1:30pm-4pm @Mon Peche Minion
*Thursday: 1pm-6pm Misaki Donuts Zushi