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Let's Support Organic Farmers 有機農家さんを支えよう

執筆者の写真: Mariko Miki- The BlueMariko Miki- The Blue


There are many small farmer's markets and farm stands in town where we can get freshly harvested produce, but the owner of this market selects only organically grown produce and all natural foods, and it is conveniently held at the bakery that we featured on our guidebook LOCAL FOCUS (p. 104) on evry Friday afternoon.

Buying organic produce helps to prevent damaging soil, water, air, and the eco-system by not using any chemical fertilizer and pesticide, and it will good for our health too (because we are part of the nature).

Supermarkets are packed with shoppers during the holiday season, so it might be a good idea to shop at the small farmer's market like this instead, and don't forget to get some tasty bread or pastries from the bakery!

Glutenn-free organic "Genmai" (brown rice) Pasta
Glutenn-free organic "Genmai" (brown rice) Pasta
Honey from "Koajiro Forest" in Miura City. Ones in the bag were harvested in spring and other ones were harvested in fall so they deliciously taste different depending on the flowers.
Honey from "Koajiro Forest" in Miura City. Ones in the bag were harvested in spring and other ones were harvested in fall so they deliciously taste different depending on the flowers.



毎週金曜日午後はLOCAL FOCUS p.104でご紹介しているベーカリー Mone Peche Minionさんの店頭、木曜日は逗子のみさきドーナツ前で出店されている「88 みつばちはっぴ」さんは、三浦半島を中心に、他のエリアからも旬の無農薬で育てられたお野菜や果物、オーガニックのお豆、玄米パスタなどの自然食品、三浦市の「小網代の森」からのはちみつなど、安全で美味しいものを厳選されています。




88 SEASONAL & ORGANIC FOODS "Mitsubachi Happi"

*Friday: 1:30pm-4pm @Mon Peche Minion

*Thursday: 1pm-6pm Misaki Donuts Zushi


The Blue Co., Ltd  
1-6-3-5 Akiya, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Pref.
Japan  240-0105
​Tel: 81-46-845-6342   e-mail:

​The Blue 株式会社
240-0105 神奈川県横須賀市秋谷1-6-3-5
​Tel: 046-845-6342     Fax: 050-3488-1580    

  • The Blue Vimeo
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